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How to Keep your Best Employees Working with your Company


Is your company facing a problem wherein your best employees are resigning and you are too late to convince them to stay? As an employer, it is your duty to ensure your employees that their careers are in good hands and they have a brighter future or else your best employees will slowly leave the company one by one.


The Recognition Tactic


Who would want any recognition especially if it comes from the CEO of the company or just your boss, right? No matter how little is the achievement of your employee, a simple "good job" will boost their confidence and build their self-confidence. You don't need to give them monetary recognition because one of the best ways to retain your employees is to let them know you trust them especially when it comes to doing their jobs. Use this stay interview template.


If you are a type of boss that keeps on holding back your recognition for an employee, then don't expect them to stay. If you can't appreciate their little efforts, then don't expect the same in return. There are instances where your subordinates did the job but you only get the credit. That is a very wrong practice. You must give credit to whoever deserves the credit.


Building the character and appreciating the person is one of the best ways to recognize their efforts compared to any tangible form such as money or gift checks. For more info about employee retention, visit


Continues Growth


Don't allow your employees to build walls. Your job is to help them grow and allow them to go beyond their limits. They might be good at other fields and so it is your duty to know what fields are those by means of seminars, trainings and additional responsibility.


Employees don't want to be stagnant in their career. They need to grow and growing with their chosen company is one of the best achievements they can have.


Employee Retention Software


So how are you going to do these things? You only have few Human Resource personnel that handle your entire workforce that is why you need to adopt a new technique to help you monitor everyone's achievements as well as know the names of those who are doing the "Bests" in their jobs. This way, you can focus on how to retain these employees by means of incremental increase or other forms of recognition that will help them realize they are needed and important to the company. Read more about stay interview here.

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